Davening With Rutgers Mesorah
Rutgers Mesorah has a full davening schedule with 3 minyanim each day.
Shacharit is at 9:00 AM on Sundays and at 8:00 AM on weekdays. Shacharit is followed by free breakfast with a wide variety of hot and cold food.
Mincha is daily, 15 minutes before sunset, and is followed by Maariv.
Mesorah has an active texting group used to announce daily minyan times and confirm the presence of ten men at minyanim each day. To join, please click here.
We look forward to welcoming you to our community.
Shacharit is at 9:00 AM on Sundays and at 8:00 AM on weekdays. Shacharit is followed by free breakfast with a wide variety of hot and cold food.
Mincha is daily, 15 minutes before sunset, and is followed by Maariv.
Mesorah has an active texting group used to announce daily minyan times and confirm the presence of ten men at minyanim each day. To join, please click here.
We look forward to welcoming you to our community.